Get Ready for Fall

Get Ready for Fall

A free guide on transitioning your plants from summer to fall

If you need to learn how to seamlessly transition your plants from summer to fall, you’ve come to the right place. With this intuitive guide, you can grow your plants into the fall season and all year round. 


Stick till the end for the downloadable free guide sheet. You can keep this sheet around your home so you know exactly what to do for your plants at all times.


Repot your plant

Your plants outgrow their pots. It's your job as plant parent to check if the roots have no more space to grow. 


To check if your plant needs to move pots, gently lift the plant inside the pot and check the roots at the bottom. If they are coiling, growing out the bottom drain holes, or out of the top of the soil, it’s time for a change. Grab a bigger pot you aren’t using or go buy a simple pot that your plant can flourish in with much room for growth.

Trim away!

Every plant has dead leaves. Make sure to trim the leaves in order to keep your plant looking fresh for the transition of seasons. 


To trim, take clean shears and cut the dead, brown sections off the plant. Make sure to disinfect your shears with rubbing alcohol between plants. Also important tip to note, make this a regular habit you keep up with instead of only during the transition of seasons.

Check for bugs

Make sure you check for any critters in your plants. With bugs comes infestation in the plants and your plants will have a hard time growing and start decaying.


To check for bugs, look on the top and bottom of leaves, in the soil and around the stems. Make sure you check everywhere in order to keep your plant healthy without interruptions.

Shower your plants.

Bring your plants inside for a shower in your kitchen sink. Every change in season is a perfect time for a shower to help rid your plants of pests, dust and debris on your leaves and all around. This ensures the health of the plant all around from being able to absorb sunlight as best as possible as well as removing the critters that you don’t want eating your plants.


To do this, just spray the faucet all over the plant, ensuring everything is covered in water and everything is washed away.

Make a home for them inside.

Most plants don’t enjoy temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit. To make sure your plants survive the temperature change, make sure you know which plants enjoy higher temperatures and keep them indoors during the months where the temperature goes too low.

Then, fertilize.

The perfect time to fertilize is right after you watered. So after you shower your plants, make sure to fertilize. The best type of fertilizer is a liquid, all-purpose fertilizer using half the recommended dosage. This allows your plant to last so much longer during the rough winter season.

Place them in great light

Make sure to check where your lighting is during the fall and winter. That might not be the same during the hot summer months. So be aware of where you place your plants for the ultimate amount of sun exposure, whether that’s inside in the warmth or outside for plants that can survive the winter months.


If you don’t think you can provide them the best light in your small space, try using a uv grow lamp as an alternative.


Here is the guide in one simple sheet, made simple for use.

Guide for plants, fall plants, guide to transition to fall, summer to fall plants

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